brimonidine (UK14304)

brimonidine (UK14304)

SMILES Brc1c(ccc2c1nccn2)NC1=NCCN1

Chemical Properties

Hydrogen bond acceptors 5
Hydrogen bond donors 2
Rotatable bonds 1
Molecular weight (Da) 291.0


brimonidine (UK14304)

Drug properties

Molecular type Small molecule
Physiological/Surrogate Surrogate
Approved drug Yes

Clinical Trials

Phase I 3
Phase II 6
Phase III 12
Approved Yes

Sankey plot

Essential hypertension, unspecified There is 3 stuff in this nodeEssential hypertension, unspecifiedDiseases of the circulatory system There is 3 stuff in this nodeDiseases of thecirculatory systemBrimonidine (uk14304) There is 42 stuff in this nodeBrimonidine (uk14304)&alpha;<sub>2A</sub>-adrenoceptor There is 14 stuff in this nodeα2A-adrenoceptor&alpha;<sub>2B</sub>-adrenoceptor There is 14 stuff in this nodeα2B-adrenoceptor&alpha;<sub>2C</sub>-adrenoceptor There is 14 stuff in this nodeα2C-adrenoceptorGlaucoma, unspecified There is 3 stuff in this nodeGlaucoma, unspecifiedDiseases of the visual system There is 27 stuff in this nodeDiseases of thevisual systemOther specified glaucoma or glaucoma suspect There is 3 stuff in this nodeOther specified glaucomaor glaucoma suspectAllergic conjunctivitis There is 3 stuff in this nodeAllergic conjunctivitisAlcohol dependence, unspecified There is 3 stuff in this nodeAlcohol dependence, unspecifiedMental, behavioural or neurodevelopmental disorders There is 3 stuff in this nodeMental, behavioural orneurodevelopmental disordersPresbyopia There is 3 stuff in this nodePresbyopiaOther specified diseases of the visual system There is 3 stuff in this nodeOther specified diseasesof the visualsystemRosacea, unspecified There is 3 stuff in this nodeRosacea, unspecifiedDiseases of the skin There is 6 stuff in this nodeDiseases of theskinErythema There is 3 stuff in this nodeErythemaSymptoms, signs or clinical findings, not elsewhere classified There is 3 stuff in this nodeSymptoms, signs orclinical findings, notelsewhere classifiedOther specified disorders of lacrimal apparatus There is 3 stuff in this nodeOther specified disordersof lacrimal apparatusCorneal oedema, unspecified There is 3 stuff in this nodeCorneal oedema, unspecifiedDiabetic retinopathy, unspecified There is 3 stuff in this nodeDiabetic retinopathy, unspecifiedOcular hypertension There is 3 stuff in this nodeOcular hypertensionDermatoses resulting from cytotoxic or cancer chemotherapy There is 3 stuff in this nodeDermatoses resulting fromcytotoxic or cancerchemotherapy

Drug Information